Welcome to world of FENEX Where the manufacturer and the whole seller Organise the fashion show

To increase their sale and highlight their stock

FENEX will organise a event a fashion show

Where in the students of fashion and student who wants to become model will participate And

the diziner will aslo coridanate everthing under their name

In the fashion show

the manufacturer will get a chance to display his stock And the whole seller

gets a idea of how the stock will look like and which meterial can be sold in the market The

reseller will see live in the fashion show which meterial will be fast moving and

on which iteam he can make more money FENEX creates a platform where in

the manufacture ,wholesalers ,Retailers , Diziner , Models Combine

get a picture on iteam which can creat a trend in market And

the students get a chance to hilight their tallent in the fashion world

The students get a chance to show their glamor

and they get a chance to enter the world of film industry and ceni industry cooperate industry

who are looking for brand ambassador of their product FENEX will be the coridonator in the whole process

It's a win win situation for every one Fashion show will be conducted in each and every city

and will be telecasted in YouTube and all the social media The date of the fashion show

will give to all the resellers one week in advance to confirm their ticket and booking process for the fashion show

we will organise a fashion show

and creat a platform where







will come together and creat a trend in the market and other people get a way to clear their stock

The participants get unlimited acess tot the film industry

and cine industry

the coperate industry in the branding process


FENEX SHIVA :- * +91 7829130934 / fenexshiva@gmail.com *